Gender disparity and Digital Financial inclusion in Advancing the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals in Developing Countries


  • Favourate Y Mpofu * College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg, South Africa




Digital financial inclusion, Digital financial literacy, Financial inclusion, Gender disparity, SDGs


Purpose: Digital financial services delivered through fintech have grown substantially in developing countries to address the issues of access, affordability, and usage that cripple financial inclusion in these countries. Despite the growth of digital financial services researchers continue to lament the problem of financial inclusion for women. Researchers continue to allude to most women being digitally financially excluded in developing countries. Through a systematic literature review, this study sought to establish the challenges explaining the digital financial exclusion of women or the continued low levels of financial inclusion in developing countries. In addition, the paper sought to unpack how the digital financial inclusion or exclusion of women could impact the realization of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Methodology: The paper adopted a systematic review approach. Literature on the subject was gathered from Scopus indexed journals, reviewed and synthesized

Findings: The research established that factors such as digital, social, and financial inclusion, taxation of DFS, socioeconomic and sociocultural challenges as well literacy challenges, and regulatory and legal factors were responsible for the financial and digital financial exclusion of women, thus expanding the gender gap. Digital financial inclusion was found to be critical for economic development and the fruition of SDGs because women spend more on family, and development and generally save better than men.

Originality/Value: Digital financial inclusion and financial inclusion are very fundamental to sustainable development and the accomplishment of the SDGs globally and more so in developing countries. Developing countries face an array of challenges toward achieving sustainable development and economic growth. These challenges include poverty and extreme poverty, corruption, resources shortages, lower levels of development, unemployment, and inequality as well as the financial exclusion of vulnerable groups of the population. While several studies have explored challenges of financial inclusion in developing countries, there is a dearth in literature that explores the intersection between digital financial inclusion or exclusion of women in developing countries and the realization of the SDGs. This paper sought to address this void by imploring the intersection between gender disparity and digital financial inclusion as these concern the realization of SDGs in developing economies.


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How to Cite

Mpofu, F. Y. (2023). Gender disparity and Digital Financial inclusion in Advancing the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals in Developing Countries. International Journal of Innovation in Management, Economics and Social Sciences, 3(3), 49–70.



Review Article