The Existence of Imported Fruit in Contemporary Rituals in Pandemic


  • I Ketut Sida Arsa Department of Art Craft, Institut Seni Indonesia, Denpasar, Bali 80235, Indonesia
  • Ni Made Ary Widiastini * Department of Hotel Management, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Singaraja, Bali 81116, Indonesia
  • I Made Mertanadi Department of Art Craft, Institut Seni Indonesia, Denpasar, Bali 80235, Indonesia




Bali, contemporary, imported fruit, pandemic, rituals


Purpose: This paper aims to describe the existence of imported fruit used by the Balinese Hindu community as a ritual tool during the pandemic. There is an assumption that imported fruit is more expensive, meaning that everyone who uses these fruits in their offerings (banten) is a person who is at a certain economic level and social status. Although the government recommends using local fruit, because it has an impact on the welfare of local farmers, this does not make people switch to consuming local fruit. Even during the pandemic, this phenomenon can still be seen in various ritual activities, in cities and villages. With the argument that imported fruit is easier to find than local fruit, imported fruit is the people's choice. In addition, many Hindu religious ceremonial activities in Bali from small to large scale require the community to buy fruit in a certain amount and at a certain time. Thus, it can be understood that the high consumption of imported fruit is due to the high demand for fruit and the lifestyle of the people who want to look classy.

Methodology: This research was conducted using an ethnographic approach as a variant of the qualitative approach. Data collection is done through observation and interviews with the perpetrators, namely people who carry out ritual activities. Respondents were met randomly at the location of the ceremony. The results of data analysis are presented informally in descriptive – narrative form.

Findings: Religious ceremonies in Bali are carried out in contemplative life, manifested by the totality of their people in giving offerings to God. The spiritual totality of the Balinese Hindu community not only has an impact on the preservation of tradition, but also on the economy of the Balinese people. The high demand of imported fruit for offerings, in addition to having an impact on the occurrence of contestation, also provides economic benefits for the Balinese people who work as fruit sellers, both in the market and in supermarkets.

Originality/Value: By this research, an understanding of the making of ceremonial facilities is still often found to fulfill desires rather than spiritual needs, namely to show socioeconomic status. One can be shown by the use of ceremonial facilities that look classy.


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How to Cite

Arsa, I. K. S., Widiastini, N. M. A., & Mertanadi, I. M. (2022). The Existence of Imported Fruit in Contemporary Rituals in Pandemic. International Journal of Innovation in Management, Economics and Social Sciences, 2(4), 89–96.



Original Research