Provide a model for an e-commerce system with the impact of artificial intelligence


  • Ramez Kian * Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, UK




E-Commerce, Artificial Intelligence, E-Business, Business Intelligence


Purpose: In less industrialized today, competition is as fierce as in e-commerce. Not just online and physical stores, but the entire Internet space is competing with online retailers. Today, AI-based platforms are a vital element for e-commerce success. Artificial intelligence in digital marketing plays a constructive role in data-based decisions, because through deep learning (Deep learning) can predict user behavior from beginning to end of the purchase path. In today's world, customer behavior has changed.

Methodology: When a customer feels a need, they first search for it on the Internet. Accordingly, many e-commerce retailers, with artificial intelligence capabilities, try to integrate textual, visual, and audio capabilities; Especially through "conversation business" to attract more customer attention. Retailers because customer needs are growing rapidly; They are always trying to have the best sales. Accordingly, if brands want to be more durable, the principle is to consider the needs of customers who are growing rapidly; One of the important priorities is business strategies.

Findings: Therefore, the role of chat bots, which are actually computer programs designed to simulate conversations with human users on the Internet, is very important in "conversation business”.

Originality/Value: In this study, the effect of artificial intelligence on e-commerce is investigated and the most important functions of this tool are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Kian, R. (2021). Provide a model for an e-commerce system with the impact of artificial intelligence. International Journal of Innovation in Management, Economics and Social Sciences, 1(3), 88–94.



Original Research